What the FAQ

We collected most of your pigheaded questions here

Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t

Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t Hol*Sh!t

Let’s start this FAQ with the most unnecessary question.

Q: How do I place an order? V

OK. Let’s make it a bit more helpful now

Q: What should I do if I entered a wrong address? V
Q: What should I do when the shoes I want to order are not in stock? V
Q: Which shoe sizes do you sell? V
Q: How do I know my shoe size? V
Q: I spilled [???] over my shoes, what to do? V
Q: In which country are the shoes produced? V
Q: Can I also pay in bitcoins? V

And now we’re talking

Q: My mother in law is stubborn and she always does whatever she wants. Does that make her a Pighead? V
Q: When walking through the park with my wife and her family, I stepped in some fresh dog shit. How can I best clean them? V
Q: I ordered the ‘Wear without pants-print’ and would love to wear them how they are supposed to be worn. However, I feel embarrassed due to the length of my friend. Do you have a solution? V
Q: I am dreaming to become as famous as Ewout. What is his secret? V
Q: I just noticed that there are no bananas on this print. Why then this name? V
Q: My lover has a foot fetish and wants me to take off my Hol*Sh!t sandals when we are “in the mood”. It makes me feel sad and empty, what to do? V
Q: Your prints are amazing, but I would like to make my own individual print. Is that possible? V

We only allow the best questions to this list. Missing something? Let us know! Send in your question here.